Vasilis Tsekenis was born in Athens, Greece, on December 1995. Vasilis received his B.Sc Degree in Digital Systems, with Distinction (9/10), from the University of Piraeus, Greece in 2017, and his M.Sc degree in Digital Communications and Networks, with Distinction (9.9/10), from the same university in 2018. Vasilis currently works for SAFERTEC, a European Funded “HORIZON-2020” project in the area of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), and aims towards a PhD in the area of wireless communications under the supervision of Prof. Athanasios G. Kanatas. His research interests include Software Define Radios and Digital Signal Processing, Channel Modeling, Channel Characterization and Diversity techniques for 5G and beyond MIMO wireless communication systems.
(+30) 210-4142775