- ROADART Project
- Consortium
- Publications
- Radio Channel Measurements
- Deliverables
- Channel Model
- Contacts
Research On Alternative Diversity Aspects foR Trucks
Welcome to the ROADART Project!
With the investigation of future-oriented diversity and beamforming techniques the resulting ROADART platform will assure a sustainable and holistic approach for corporative ITS systems in a way that state-of-the-art systems cannot provide. The main objectives are:
- Perform measurements for Truck-to-Truck, Truck-to-Infrastructure mobile radio channel conditions.
- Perform full statistical characterization of ROADART-specific multi-antenna radio channels.
- Develop novel radio channel models (both stochastic geometric and ray tracing models) for T2T and T2I channels with support of multiple antenna systems.
- Investigate multiple antenna diversity techniques in order to provide increased throughput and reliability in T2T/T2I wireless links.
- Evaluate the use of beamforming for T2T/T2I communications with the proposal of possible new elements to existing vehicular communication standards. Moreover, the use of parasitic antennas will be assessed in order to increase multi-antenna functionalities with minimum interventions on the Truck structure.
- Introduce spatial modulation as a transmission technique for improved vehicular radio communications. Analyze antenna array aspects for T2T/T2I communication links, including the number of elements, the type of antennas, the introduction of parasitic antennas, antenna placement and mounting on the trucks, as well as antenna structures for the infrastructure especially for special use cases e.g. tunnels.
- Investigate communication system improvement through cooperative techniques and relays, focusing especially in the T2T relaying for platooning systems and coordinated multi-point T2T/T2I reception.
- Develop novel localization and detection techniques for conditions where Satellite global navigation systems are not applicable, such as tunnels, using cooperative and adaptive communication techniques as well as sensor measurements and information from infrastructure.
- All the proposed techniques will be extensively evaluated through simulation using the realistic, measurement-based ROADART channel models.
- Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control, a safety-critical application, will be implemented on a truck, to evaluate the theoretical results and to support the measurements. Herewith, a safety approach for increasing robustness w.r.t. wireless communication impairments on the application layer will be developed and implemented.
- Based on the results and conclusions, a novel multi-antenna T2T/T2I communication platform will be developed that will achieve optimized and reliable use of the radio channels in order to provide T2T/T2I services in terms of safety, traffic/route control, transportation efficiency and environmental awareness, while taking into account practical issues regarding the installation of complicated communication systems on heavy-duty vehicles.
The developed platform will be demonstrated and evaluated for specific scenarios that include special use cases, i.e. tunnels and platooning.
General Information:
- Topic: MG-3.5a-2014 "Cooperative ITS for safe, congestion-free and sustainable mobility"
- Type of action: RIA
- Project Volume: 3 906 875 EUR
- Grant Agreement No 636565
- Duration 36 Month
- Start 1st May 2015
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Partners (Alphabetically) | Summary |
IMST GmbH | IMST is an SME with a competence center and professional development house for high frequency circuits, wireless modules, and communications systems. IMST provides individualized support to any customer during every phase of product development, from initial consulting to series production. |
MAN Truck & Bus AG | Engineering the Future – since 1758: Focused on key technologies transport and energy the MAN Group (MAN SE) offers innovative products such as trucks, busses, diesel engines, turbomachinery, special gear units and complete power plant solutions. The MAN Group – with its clear distribution of roles, centralizes strategic management activities and strengthens the operational responsibilities of the three subgroups, MAN Truck & Bus, MAN Diesel & Turbo and MAN Latin America – is one of Europe’s leading commercial vehicle, engine and mechanical engineering companies. MAN can look back on a corporate history of more than 250 years. |
TNO | TNO is the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research and was founded in 1932. TNO is a knowledge organisation for companies, governmental bodies and public organisations. Some 4,500 employees create, develop, and apply scientific knowledge in various domains ranging from industry to society aspects. It is the fundamental goal of TNO to direct its research activities toward creative and practical innovations in the form of new products, services, and processes, fully customized for businesses and governmental institutions. TNO works on seven research themes. One of these themes is “Mobility”, comprising topics as (intelligent) vehicle technology, ITS, cooperative and automated driving, road side technology, infrastructure technology, intelligent traffic management, environment and human factors in transport. |
University of Piraeus Research Center | The University of Piraeus is a prestigious institution in the area of Digital Systems, Technology and Finance. The Department of Digital Systems ( ) is the main driver and contributor to making the UPRC one of the fastest growing institutions in Greece in the national and international research arenas. Specifically, the department covers important areas of the widely and rapidly developing field of Digital Science and Technology. The department’s curricula and research cover the areas of broadband (wireless and optical) networks, digital / network services, as well as the techno-economical management and security of digital systems. In addition, the department consists of over twenty-five (25) faculty members and is very active, both internationally and nationally, in all the aforementioned areas. |
©2017 IET. This paper is a postprint of a paper submitted to and accepted for publication in Electronics Letters and is subject to Institution of Engineering and Technology Copyright. The copy of record is available at IET Digital Library.
©2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.
A. Roadart Publications in International Scientific Journals
B. Roadart Publications in International Scientific Conferences
![]() | The ROADART project aimed for the development of a reliable, automated system for truck-to-truck (T2T) or truck-to-infrastructure (T2I) communication is safety, since a reliable T2TI/T2I communication platform can be used to warn professional drivers for immediate dangers and to provide crucial information for upcoming road conditions. In addition efficient and safe automated platooning systems drastically cut down GreenHouse Gas (GHG) and other pollutant emissions, while simultaneously they reduce the required transportation costs through fuel savings. ... read more |
![]() | The novelties incorporated in the ROADART platform cover many areas. First of all is the pattern diversity concept, which was made feasible by implementing special reconfigurable antennas, the so called electronically switched parasitic radiator (ESPAR) antennas. Thus the system is adapted dynamically to its environment. The smart RF section cooperates with smart digital algorithms that run on software defined radios to select the best pattern combination and provide an efficient and reliable solution. Finaly a novel localization algorithm that is based on the input from the truck sensors offers high localization accuracy in environments where there is no navigation system available. ... read more |
The Platform
![]() | The designed and implemented antenna in the ROADART project is an electronically switched parasitic radiator (ESPARs). It provides pattern reconfigurability, low manufacturing costs, reduced complexity and smaller size. Thus the produced three radiation patterns from a single ESPAR allow for selecting the most suitable pattern configuration for a corresponding scenario. A pair of this antenna is mounted in each side mirror of the truck. Aside the antennas, the ROADART communication platform of each truck consists also of the following parts. First, two RF Modules (one per truck mirror) responsible for reception and transmission of the Truck-2-Truck Packets and part of the signal processing. And second, one communication unit (per truck), which is responsible for further processing and routing of the detected packets sent from the RF modules via Ethernet. Most of the software runs on the communication unit that among others includes the diversity engine, the ITS-G5 stack, the localization engine etc. ... read more |
Diversity Engine
![]() | In ROADART, a novel Diversity Engine tailored-made for Truck-to-Truck (T2T) and Truck-to-Infrastructure (T2I) Communications was developed. The antenna (or spatial) diversity was used as the base of the diversity engine and additionally, a beampattern selection scheme was implemented with the use of reconfigurable antennas. The beampattern selection scheme was able to produce an omnidirectional pattern for broadcast - multicast transmission/reception as well as a directive pattern that can improve performance for several applications like CACC and platooning. The hybrid spatial-beamspace diversity scheme was implemented with the use of ESPAR Antennas with pattern selection capabilities. ... read more |
Dynamic Reconfiguration
![]() | An important and complicated objective of the project was the implementation of the Diversity Engine and especially the Dynamic Reconfiguration of the antennas for the ROADART platform in order to track the radio channel fluctuations in the complex T2T communications environment. Three dynamic reconfiguration modes were developed with full reconfiguration in all antennas and with omni support from one RF chain per mirror. The engine monitors continuously the SNR and reconfigures the patterns when it reduces below a threshold while reconfiguration is performed in two stages in order to ensure compatibility with the radio standard. ... read more |
Geonetworking Mode
![]() | In ROADART, one of the developed and demonstrated diversity operation modes is the Geo-tracking, Geo-networking scheme. According to that, the patterns are selected based on the geometry of vehicles in a given time instance. This information is achieved through the ROADART localization engine, where each vehicle is aware of its position and additionally through the received ITS messages, which reveals the position of the cooperating vehicles. The engine calculates the relative heading angle between the vehicles and each vehicle decides on the combination of patterns that best fits the geometry of the vehicle. In this video, the behavior of the algorithm during an overtake maneuver that took place in the A55 Highway in Germany is presented. ... read more |
Localization Technique
![]() | A novel localization technique was developed in ROADART attempting to improve positioning performance in challenging conditions like tunnels. The Localization Engine, which is based on an Extended Kalman Filter, is able to operate with variable sampling rates of incoming data from various heterogeneous sources such as the GPS, Truck Sensors as well as positioning information from cooperating vehicles through ITS services. Then, the localization result is distributed to all interested parties with the use of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) protocol. The ROADART engine operated with less than 2m accumulated error for a 2km in-tunnel course during demonstration. ... read more |
CACC: Cooperative Adaptive Adaptive Cruise Control
![]() | The focus of the time- and safety-critical Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) is to obtain robustness on the application layer against any wireless communication impairments, in particular packet losses and (time-varying) latency, utilizing ROADART communication system characteristics. The development of a model predictive controller (MPC) involves a prediction horizon, which may be used to predict the future output behavior of the leading vehicle. Thus CACC continues its functionality, increases the availability and robustness of the system by sharing look-ahead information and potentially enables shorter inter-vehicle following distances. ... read more |
ROADART is attending TRA 2018
![]() | Join us at the workshop on “Real time ITS services towards a safer and more efficient road transport” ... read more |
ROADART is attending EuCAP 2018
![]() | ROADART is attending EuCAP 2018 from 8-13 April 2018 and organize the session SW02 on "Multi-antenna concepts and communication techniques in C-ITS systems: From Theory to Application" ... read more |
Radio Channel Measurements
The ROADART T2X channel modeling task was based on wideband multidimensional channel measurements at 5.9 GHz ITS frequency band. Three channel measurement campaigns were undertaken; two in Germany and one in Greece.
![]() | Measurement Campaign, Peloponnese Greece, 10/2017 The third measurement campaign took place in Panagopoula tunnel, a 3.179 meters long tunnel located in Peloponnese-Greece. The setup of the measurement equipment was designed in a way that one can ... read more |
![]() | Measurement Campaign, Duesseldorf, 04/2017 The second measurement campaign took place in Kamp-Lintfort, in North Rhine-Westphalia. The measurement equipment setup was designed in order to measure a more generic channel that is free of ... read more |
![]() | Measurement Campaign, Munich, 10/2016 The first campaign took place in the outskirts of Munich, in the district of Dachau, Bavaria.The measurement setup and the placement of the antenna array on the trucks considered the impact of the truck container and ... read more |
ROADART Project Deliverables
The ROADART Geometric Stochastic Framework is available for everybody in the following git repository:
This repository contains a current implementation of the Geometric Stochastic Vehicle-to-Vehicle and Truck-to-Truck channel model that was extracted in the context of the Horizon 2020 ROADART project (WP2).
The repository is dynamic and it will continue to update after the conclusion of the project. Long term support is provided by University of Piraeus Research Center (UPRC).
Users should investigate as tutorials roadart_simulator.m and main.m in order to understand the rationale behind the ROADART channel model and as a tutorial on the use of the functional procedures and classes.
Access to measurements is provided through ftp connection (check raw_data.txt in the git)
We strongly encourage researchers to create their own git branches and use, test and evaluate the ROADART channels.
For information, questions, contributions and bugs please contact UPRC - we will be happy to assist you or cooperate.
Contact Person: Konstantinos Maliatsos : kmaliat(-at-)unipi(-dot-)gr or maliatsos(-at-)mobile(-dot-)ntua(-dot-)gr
Dr.-Ing. Christos Oikonomopoulos-Zachos | IMST GmbH Antennas & EM Modelling Carl-Friedrich-Gauss-Str. 2-4 47475 Kamp-Lintfort Tel: + 49-(0)2842-981-371 Fax: + 49-(0)2842-981-499 E-mail: Internet: |
Patrick Ernst | MAN Truck & Bus AG Engineering Central Research Electronics – Pilot Projects EZREP Dachauer Straße 667 D-80995 München Tel: +49 172 5385871 Internet: |
Johan van der Kamp | TNO Integrated Vehicle Safety Automotive Campus 30, 5708 JZ, Netherlands Tel: +31-(0)611317156 Fax: - E-mail: Internet: |
Prof. Athanasios G. Kanatas | University of Piraeus School of Information & Communication Technologies Department of Digital Systems 80 Karaoli & Dimitriou St, 18534, Piraeus, Greece Tel: +30 210 414 2759 Fax: + 30 210 414 2714 E-mail: Internet: |